I use the annotations feature of YouTube a lot, but I want to get away from flash and start hosting my videos using html5. So I need to create those bubbles and embed them in the video using an editor. Is there an easy way to do that or a video editor that has such feature?
lovinglinux's questions
I want to test Unity in a VM using VMware Player. I have already enabled 3D acceleration in the Display options and I have VMware Tools installed. However, when I try to run Unity or when I try to enable effects in appearance menu, it doesn't activate. Jockey says there is only one video driver available, which is enabled already.
I don't want to use VirtualBox.
The apt-get autoremove command does not have any effect in Maverick. How can I solve that?
EDIT: Restoring a VM backup containing a clean install solved the problem.
I'm trying to use Thunderbird again, but I can't make it use Firefox to open links. I'm using KDE and Firefox is my default browser. I tried the network.protocol-handler method but it doesn't work.
I used to go to "System >> Preferences >> Appearance >> Interface", but I can't find that tab on Lucid or Maverick.
I'm looking for a good code snippet manager, with syntax highlighting and search capabilities. Another important feature is the capability of changing the code area background color. I have tested some Adobe Air apps that had white background everywhere, which hurts my eyes.
I'm using KDE btw. I use Kate for coding, but I don't like it's snippet plugin.
My monitor brightness is reduced because it was causing me headaches. Web pages are displayed fine, but flash videos are too dark. I can control gecko-mediaplayer plugin brightness via mplayer config, but I'm not able to do the same for flash.
In Windows I was able to do that via nvidia driver settings, which allows to control video overlay brightness independently, but the Linux nvidia driver doesn't allow to do that.