I need to add a second nameserver. I can do it temporarily in resolve.conf, but I want a solution that sticks after reboot.
The settings GUI has a fillin for DNS when automatic is turned off, but that doesn't seem to do anything.
I need to add a second nameserver. I can do it temporarily in resolve.conf, but I want a solution that sticks after reboot.
The settings GUI has a fillin for DNS when automatic is turned off, but that doesn't seem to do anything.
I'm on 22.04. I just added a bluetooth mouse which works nicely, except after a long enough idle it disconnects. I can reconnect it by bringing up the settings/bluetooth gui but thats a little awkward especially without the mouse. I don't really know how long it takes to disconnect on idle. It only does it when I'm away from the computer for quite some time.
How can I either keep it from idling out, or at least getting it reconnected with a shell command.
This is a generic $10 mouse.
I'm lecturing with Zoom and Impress (Libreoffice) on Ubuntu 18.04.
The Ubuntu (really Gnome) Sound/Applications panel has two ZOOM VoiceEngine sliders. The top one controls what I hear from the remote side. The bottom microphone slider is no problem it just stays where I set it. The top one goes back to zero from time to time, seemingly when I switch windows.
How can I lock the top one down?
I did notice one pattern on my workstation. When a student adds or leaves the zoom the slider goes to zero. There may be other triggers but that one is consistent.
However, in another new experiment I tried running zoom on the Ubuntu workstation against Zoom on a Ubuntu laptop. When the host is on the workstation, the bad behavior shows. When the workstation is the client and the host is on the laptop no bad behavior. Same version of zoom.
I don't know what could be different on the workstation to cause the problem.