So I have to use MS Teams for working purposes. And yes, Teams has been working nicely recently on Ubuntu 20.04. Until yesterday, where I was sharing my screen through a Teams audio call and my whole system crashed. I mean: the operating system crashed. I could not even kill the process. Even if I would open a console (ctrl+alt+t) and sudo kill -9
for Teams, I would get no answer.
I tried even a sudo reboot now
but nothing happended. The machine was stucked there, freezed; no response at all. In the end I hade to power-off/on the laptop with the power button.
So I know this is somehow a description of the situation but very weird in the end. As I have read in another post, Ha! Never know that an application running without root permission can crash you OS.
Well, I have these files under /var/crash
lucas@lucas:/var/crash$ ll
total 325636
drwxrwsrwt 2 root whoopsie 4096 feb 11 09:51 ./
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 abr 23 2020 ../
-rw-r----- 1 lucas whoopsie 47178713 feb 10 17:51 _usr_share_teams_teams.1000.crash
-rw-r--r-- 1 lucas whoopsie 0 feb 10 14:11 _usr_share_teams_teams.1000.upload
-rw------- 1 whoopsie whoopsie 37 feb 10 14:11 _usr_share_teams_teams.1000.uploaded
And I'm using Teams version :
lucas@lucas:/var/crash$ apt list teams
Listing... Done
teams/stable,now amd64 [installed]
N: There are 5 additional versions. Please use the '-a' switch to see them.
Has anyone experienced something like this before? Any hint or idea/suggestion?