Im using Ubuntu 13.04 with Gnome and I recently set up a (open)VPN. Is there any way to enable it by default? Each time I boot or even lost my connection, I have to enable the VPN manually. Is there an option I am missing?
Paul Woitaschek's questions
I have a problem on my enw Acer Aspire M3. When I'm using firefox and want to scroll a page down by pressing an arrowkey, instead of going down slowly, I get down instantly to bot button. How can I enable proper scrolling?
When coding with Geany, I often have quite long lines. I want them to wrap automatically, so that I don`t have to scroll horizontally to see what I've written.
somehow I cannot move files to trash. The strange thing is, that it works on the desktop-folder, but in other folders it doesn't. What a tried is a
sudo chown -R wegsehen /home/wegsehen/*
But nothing changed.
My system default is Nautilus. But when I right-click in Downloads and choose "open containing folder", it opens Thunar and not Nautilus.
How can I change that?
I want to set via my Media Keys, so I first have to find out the terminal-command.
Outputs are:
amixer set Master 10%- amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Master',0
amixer scontrols Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
amixer set 'IEC958' 50%- amixer: Invalid command!
How can i fix that?
How can I stop the behaviour that when I put my cursor over the title bar and then turn my mouse wheel, the window gets rolled in?
It is really annoying and happens accidentally quite often.
docky crashes from time to time for me. How can I make it restart automatically after it crashed?
Im using xfce in combination with docky. But when I start Thunar via the Filemanager-icon it opens (ofc) Thunar, but it has a wrong icon (on the very right) How to fix that? Normally, the file manager icon should just be highlighted after starting a new program (like with Firefox.)
I installed the gnome panel:
but its on the right side, which is quite annoying becaus it alway popps up when using the scrollbar. How can I move it to the left?
how can I start docky? When I open it, nothing happens. When I open it in a terminal it just says:
[Info 08:25:58.751] Docky version: 2.1.4 Release [Info 08:25:58.760] Kernel version: [Info 08:25:58.763] CLR version: 4.0.30319.1
What can I do to make it work?
When I am synchronizing my music with Banshee, it stars converting my music into mp3.
How can I stop Banshee to convert my music and make it just copying it?
My player can play nearly every music format, so converting it takes a lot of time and resources.
I can't see any thumbnails on my desktop. If I use Thurnar directly and browse to the desktop, thumbnails of PDf, JPG and ODT are displayed, but on my desktop its just plain. How can I fix that? I'm facing the problem on 2 different Laptops.
I cant use any Java applets. I installed icedtea-7-plugin
, and it is even activated under Add-Ons, but if I for example click:
The test-screen remains grey.
I definitely have a JRE installed--openjdk-7-jre
and icedtea-7-plugin
are both installed.
The output of java -version
java version "1.6.0_24"
OpenJDK Runtime Enviroment (IcedTea6 1.11.1) (6b24-1.11.1-4ubuntu3)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
I don't have cd burner, so I want to install W7 on my 2nd computer via an USB-Drive. I just copied the files from the iso but it won't boot. So I installed ms-sys and did a ms-sys -7 /dev/sdb but it just says "Boot error".
How can I install it the right way? Tried many different tutorials by now but none worked.
I tried out many different programs like gPodder, Rhythmbox and Banshee, but with none, the program remembers the played time.
Is there a player which can do that and download automatically the newest podcasts?
In the regular Unity 3D, I used Compiz Config Manager where I could configure the Unity Plug-in to autohide the Launcher and not to show it when moving mouse to the left side of the screen. So it was perfect for using Docky.
But in Unity 2D the Unity Plug-in settings doesn't have any effect. How can I completely hide the Launcher and just have it shown when pressing the windows-key?
With the following:
dconf write /com/canonical/unity-2d/launcher/hide-mode 1
dconf write /com/canonical/unity-2d/launcher/use-strut false
it still opens the Launcher when moving mouse to the left side of the screen. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10.
I would like to drag my windows to the left or right side of the desktop and have them automatically resized like it works with Gnome or Windows 7. And to maximize them when dragging them to the top. How is that possible in Xfce?