I have set up a Chrome Kiosk using a custom session in X to run Google Chrome.
It generally runs pretty well except except for a screen size issue.
I have a "chrome.desktop" session file saved in /usr/share/xsessions with the following contents.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session logs you into Google Chrome
There is also a chromeKiosk.sh file that is used to execute Chrome. It is also in /usr/share/xsessions. The contents are as follows.
while true; do google-chrome http://news.bbc.co.uk --kiosk --start-maximized --disable-restore-background-contents --login-screen-size="1024,768" --disable-translate --disable-new-tab-first-run --enable-vertical-tabs; sleep 5s; done
The problem that I am having is that Google Chrome (or Firefox, or Opera. I have tried various apps), will not maximise to the entire 1024x768 display. It seems to be leaving approximately 1 centimetre of space on the right hand side of the display (I can see the desktop), and also some space at the bottom of the screen.
I have tried this on at least 2 different computers. One had a higher resolution screen. It left an even bigger gap.
It is as if the application that it being run thinks the screen is smaller than it actually is.
Does anybody have any idea what is going on? I am going nuts with this problem.
Here is an image so you can see the border
Google Chrome Kiosk Xsession with odd border
That image is from a screen with a 1280 width.