I don't usually create my own questions, because I can find what I need through other people's questions. However, this one doesn't seem to be anywhere, except in one place where someone is talking about not using Apple hardware. So here it goes. I am using Apple hardware. I have a MacBook 1,1 with Intel Core2Duo running Ubuntu Precise Pangolin flawlessly. I never considered starting with Mac OSx and dual-booting because I never liked Mac OS. Now that I'm realizing that the only way I'm going to be able to run my DAW (Reaper) nicely and use a Firewire recording interface is to run Mac OSx, I'm considering it again. I want to go the opposite direction of most people and install Mac OSx next to an existing Ubuntu installation and have a boot menu with refit. I've installed refit in Ubuntu and I've converted the .dmg file for Mac OS Lion to a .iso file. Now, should I mount the .iso in Ubuntu and run it there, or burn a DVD and restart? I'm trying to gauge how to do this without hurting my existing Ubuntu installation. I will of course keep looking for existing answers in the meantime.