I am using lolcat to get the output of ls in color. To do this i have copied /usr/bin/ls to /usr/bin/lsslss (to avoid an endless loop since alias cannot acccept $* or $@) and I have added the function:
ls(){ lsslss $* | lolcat; }
to .bashrc
The issue is that when i use ls the pipe is piped each file at a time so it shows up as a long list like this:
instead of a table like this:
to change it into a table I can pipe the output into columns command. but when I do it changes back into a long list (probably because of columns only formats it instead of changing it into rows)
I was originally going to do:
ls(){ lsslss $* | columns | lolcat; }
Anyway I was wondering is there a way to pipe the raw output instead of using | to be able to pipe the output of columns into lolcat?
Thanks in advance. Sorry if my question is badly worded or hard to understand. I almost always find the questions already asked so I dont post questions often.