From How to install cling?, I've downloaded the pre-installed binaries for cling-ubuntu on
$ wget
$ dtrx cling_2017-03-30_ubuntu16.tar.bz2
$ cd cling_2017-03-30_ubuntu16
$ ls
~/cling_2017-03-30_ubuntu16/$ ls
bin include lib libexec share
~/cling_2017-03-30_ubuntu16/$ cd share/cling/Jupyter/kernel/
~/cling_2017-03-30_ubuntu16/share/cling/Jupyter/kernel/$ ls
build cling-cpp14 cling.ipynb scripts
cling-cpp11 cling-cpp17 clingkernel.egg-info __pycache__
On the documentation, it says:
pip install -e .
But when it comes to the step:
# register the kernelspec for C++17/C++14/C++11:
# the user can install whichever kernel(s) they
Which C++ version should I use? I didn't have any of those installed? I use gcc
to compile my c++ code usually.
And even when I tried installing all with:
jupyter-kernelspec install cling-c++17
jupyter-kernelspec install cling-c++14
jupyter-kernelspec install cling-c++11
The Jupyter notebook shows the kernel but at the home page but when I create a new notebook, the kernel either dies or keeps restarting.