I read several posts or articles which deal with this but all give a solution for linux guest. For example :
I also heard about using a samba server or something like that. Does anybody know precisely how to set up a working solution?
I read several posts or articles which deal with this but all give a solution for linux guest. For example :
I also heard about using a samba server or something like that. Does anybody know precisely how to set up a working solution?
I have just update my ubuntu from 12.10 to 13.04 and I would like to know what defaults are currently used ? Those of 12.10 or those of 13.04 ?
After such an update, does ubuntu uses the new defaults or keep old ones ? For example, python is still python 2.7 and I though that default version in 13.04 was python 3.
I do not clearly understand the behavior of webapps and indicator in ubuntu 12.10.
For example I installed webapps (google calendar) and an indicator (weather) from official repository. How can I use them ? Where are they ?
Moreover, I do not understand why thunderbird is not a part of the envelope icon ?
I download a wmv video with firefox and I can read it with gnome mplayer without any problem. But if I try to read it with chromium it says to me that I have a missing plugins. How can I fix this ?
I am under Lubuntu 12.10 with thunderbird 16.0.2
When I send a pdf file, people who receive it cannot open this pdf with acrobat or evince. It appears that in the source of the mail, thunderbird said that my pdf file is a plain/text file instead of a binary or a pdf file.
I look at this http://kb.mozillazine.org/Send_plain_text_attachments_as_real_attachments but it does not solve my problem.
When I do a fresh install of the distribution, one of the annoying things is that I lose all my wifi connection. Thus I would like to know in which file all data are stored (WEP key and SSID) in order to save it !
I use unity and I appreciate the backup facilities incorporate since 12.04 (deja dup).
Is it possible to use it with Lubuntu ? One of the advantages of the integration of deja dup in unity is the possiblity to recover a file by a right clic in a directory where that file was located. Is it possible to do that in lubuntu ?
As you can see on the image below, I have got a large space in the panel. In the preferences panel of the panel there is nothing here between the notification area and the battery control applet.
How can I delete this ugly space ?
I would like to do an animated gif file. Thus I need all images and then I can build the gif file with gimp or convert.
But in order to obtain the images how can I do a set of successive screenshots ? What I would like to record is a vibration movement of a molecule or a crystal (using jmol or j-ice).
Actually, I want to do a screencast ...
I use the default backup utility of ubuntu (deja-dup) in the settings panel. Today I delete by error one directory. I tried to restore it but I did not succeed. Must I restore all my backup if I only need one single directory or file ?