I've been using my Macbook Air through the pandemic and I've been impressed with iTerm2's password management. You can define regex watch strings in the terminal and it will pop up a menu from an unlocked encrypted password store that you can quickly type short character shortcuts to paste in the proper enormous password. Now that I'm back to my Ubuntu desktop, I'm wondering is there anything like this for Gnome Terminal, another terminal or Linux in general?
Pete Ashdown's questions
Is there a better way to ensure that an ethernet port is configured before continuing through startup init scripts? When 802.3ad bonded ethernet is configured on Ubuntu, it takes some time before it finishes protocol negotiation and starts passing packets, because the networking script just configures, but does not verify that traffic is being passed. As a result, this can throw off some of the other network dependent scripts, like the init for drbd. Right now, I just have a loop that pings the gateway in a startup script, but this seems less than optimal:
while ( ! ping -c 1 $GATEWAYIP ); do
echo gateway not up
My preseed server install file executes a number of additional tasks with a bash script called with preseed/late_command. I wish to prompt for a password during this process to install LDAP properly. How can I do this in debconf style?
When I'm running Gnome, ssh-agent will run ssh-add upon slogin/ssh if the identity is not loaded. I want to mimic this behavior on remote shells, but everything I find suggests to run ssh-add upon login. I only want to run ssh-add if I subsequently run slogin/ssh on the remote shell, not every time I login.
I normally do all my installs via PXE server, but I'm building a custom CD for kvm installs that are not on the same vlan as my PXE server. I would prefer this CD was as small as possible and it fetched packages from the network like netinstall mini.iso CD does, but netinstall doesn't mount /cdrom like the server install CD does. I need the cdrom for preseed.
I've got my custom server install CD working, but it is still ~700MB. Trying to modify "dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz" gives me no love as it complains that I've got a corrupt Packages.gz no matter what I do. I'd rather the preseeded mirror was used rather than CD once it gets the cdrom setup. Any ideas?
I have a postinstall script that runs after my preseed install that checks /proc/cpuinfo for vmx or svm flags and if the server has them, it installs kvm packages. The only problem is due to the install running in a chroot /target directory, there is no /proc/cpuinfo to look at. The "lshw" command doesn't have the goods either. Any thoughts on how this can otherwise be accomplished?