My laptop has an 8th Generation Intel Core i5 8250U processor, with an Nvidia GeForce MX150 GPU, 8GB RAM and a 1TB hard drive. I have installed Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit as a guest OS on Windows 10 64-bit using VirtualBox. Ubuntu was not running smoothly, as there was a lot of lagging.
I searched online for information about the problem and many sources recommended to enable 3D acceleration in the VirtualBox guest OS settings so I did, but after a few loading screens Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't respond and gets stuck on a particular black screen with faint white text of some sort.
Checking Enable 3D Acceleration in the VirtualBox guest OS settings causes a black screen and checking on Enable 2D Video Acceleration results in a message that says: Invalid Settings have been selected
2D & 3D Acceleration and Video Memory settings in VirtualBox on Windows 10