I really like Ubuntu Studio and I enjoy the look, feel, and functionality along with the expanded capabilities of the the low latency kernel.
However I'm mostly a coder, and I like to have a lot of things open at once, and sometimes this can be really bad with a low latency kernel, so I decided to install the generic kernel to boot into when I'm not doing something like design or game development. I installed it like this:
sudo apt install linux-image-4.15.0-34-generic
I was able to but into it, however my 2k widescreen monitor isn't recognized in the settings when I boot to the generic kernel. How to I even begin to solve this problem without messing with the working low latency install?
UPDATE: it appears that all networking is down too.
I was able to access more settings in nvidia x-server settings and the default display changed to my external monitor (the internal display was no longer recognized...) by installing 4.15.0-38 and the following packages:
I feel like this is the right direction, but what other packages will I need and is there a tool that makes this easier?