I am using Ubuntu 18.04.1 version and now wants to use Windows 10 as well. I have downloaded WoeUSB to create bootable USB for Windows, but I'm getting the below error message when installing. Before this step I have formatted the USB as NTFS.
Installation failed!
Exit code: 256
Mounting source filesystem...
mount: /media/woeusb_source_1533820829_2541: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop8, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
mount_source_filesystem: Error: Unable to mount source media
Error: Unable to mount source filesystem
Unmounting and removing "/media/woeusb_source_1533820829_2541"...
umount: /media/woeusb_source_1533820829_2541: not mounted.
cleanup_mountpoint: Warning: Unable to unmount "/media/woeusb_source_1533820829_2541".
Some mountpoints are not unmount/cleaned successfully and must be done manually
You may now safely detach the target device