I've been trying to format a Drobo to use with linux. While I was doing this ubuntu suddenly stopped resolving .local domains, breaking big parts of my configuration. I could fix this by just using the ips, but I'd really like to learn what the problem is, since I actually did not really change anything on the system configuration, especially nothing network related, most if it is rather mint.
Possibly unrelated: the only thing I tried was a .deb archive for drobo-utils, which i downloaded from their sourceforge repo. Being an abandoned project that install failed without an error. I then installed drobo-utils via apt-get install, which was an outdated version, so I uninstalled via apt-get remove and dowloaded the plain version which I ran manually. All my attempts to format the drobo failed likely to the drobo not supporting linux (don't by this overpriced crap, I regret it).
So while i was running all sorts of commands (fdisk, parted, mke2fs, as I said nothing remotely network related) I noticed my homebridge installation reporting it could not resolve a .local domain. This however is not consistent, sometimes restarting homebridge helps and it can resolve .local again, then it stops again.
I am completely clueless about what to check. Everything I find when looking for not being able to resolve .local seems either outdated or completely unrelated to my problem, I I'd like to understand what kind of commands I am pasting into my terminal, so I also did not change any configuration yet.
I'm hoping to find somebody helpful who could try figure it out with me step by step.