I am running a new installed Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo on a dual boot with windows 10. I installed Anaconda for Ubuntu using this guide https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/linux/
Finishing the installation the next time I open the terminal, it appears to be like
(base) username@ubuntu:~$
which means I am in the main environment of Conda. But, when installation of Anaconda finishes, it says:
if you want conda not to activate automatically when startup, run:
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
But when I do it, and when I am out of the (base), the next time that I open the terminal and try to normally open Anaconda Navigator by anaconda-navigator
it says that anaconda-navigator: command not found
But on it was not like this before. Can someone describe me how can I remove this (base)
and also be able to run anaconda
commands like opening jupyter notebook
directly from normal terminal.
I appreciate your answers.