I have a hpe blade system c3000 with 8 blades.
On a number of blades, right now 4, I run ESXi version 5.5
I can easily create virtual Windows Server / Windows 10 machines and get proper access to the Internet and the other network.
But this does not work with Ubuntu.
Have tried both VMXNET3 and E1000 as a network adapter in ESX, but the problem remains.
Has installed VmWare tools on the virtual computer running VMXNET3 without success.
Ubuntu with E1000 network adapter
Se images:
cat /etc/networking/interfaces, ifconfig -a, ping results
Ubuntu with VMXNET3 network adapter
See images:
cat /etc/networking/interfaces, ifconfig -a, ping
This problem with the network are the same on other linux dist, like Debian. (Debian fails during the installation, because no connection to the internet is OK)
No firewall active.
ufw status = inactive
So my questions are.
What should I use? E1000 or VMXNET3?
How do I get this is working.
(Ubuntu Server 14.04 och Ubuntu Server 18.04 Same results)
Virtual Switch: Switch image 1 , Switch image 2