Really annoying behavior, I had files which did not appear in the "open file" box. I struggled a bit until I discovered the behavior ...
Simon's questions
I'm glad the outside overlay scrollbars are finally gone.
But the scrollbar is still a razor thin line that becomes a less razor thin scrollbar, but still thin scrollbar, when the mouse hovers.
How can I get a normal scrollbar? I.e., like in other OSes, like in Firefox, a scrollbar that doesn't change depending on what the mouse points to, and with a nice width.
I already tried
gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal
but no luck.
I installed lubuntu-desktop, removed it, and now I still got the lubuntu lockscreen.
Since yesterday it is even worse, now when I unlock my session I have the unlock screen from lubuntu, then the one of ubuntu !
(I installed lubuntu-desktop)