Apart from looking at docker stats, I want to know how docker consumes physical CPU or where will it be classified between CPU User, CPU System and CPU Guest, etc, stats?
I am collecting metrics using netdata. I am looking at different types of workloads; this means just some prepackaged code that may contain a docker image because that is where some software is installed or databases that other parts of this workload or code in question depend on. Nedata returns a lot of metrics, for example,at the system level for CPU: you will have the following:
If I am dealing with a VM, I know that the guest operating system cpu ticks values would be recorded as netdata.system.cpu.guest
; I am trying to know where those for docker images would be recorded.
I have looked at docker stat and read over articles on the internet but I can't seem to find where these cpu values would be recorded.
This is important to me because I am trying to characterize these workloads, and I want to know things I shouldn't bother looking too much at with respect to characterization if the workloads do not have a docker image