What is the difference between "NameVirtualHost *" and "NameVirtualHost"? Both seem to be implementing name-based virtualhosts, both seem to work. How does "" become a wildcard?
What is the difference between "NameVirtualHost *" and "NameVirtualHost"? Both seem to be implementing name-based virtualhosts, both seem to work. How does "" become a wildcard?
I believe they are the same from brief look at the code:
So it looks like * just gets parsed to in this instance, and if it actually is
it will get passed as such (Although maybe APR_INET vs. APR_UNSPEC matters, but I think that might just be IPv compatibility thing, so maybe there is a difference in that IPv4 when and IPv6 is possible when *, not sure). But I could be interpreting this totally wrong, you can see for yourself inserver/vhost.c