What is the best way to make a limited account on Ubuntu Linux.
The user should only be able to read and write to the home directory.
Can you put files in /tmp? A friend of mine was telling me never to do that, it could bring down a machine. Is this true?
I want to point a sub domain to a google apps account, what is the best way to do this in DNS.
For example email.example-site.com -> https://www.google.com/a/example-site.com.com
What should the DNS record look like?
What is the best way to always reroute all traffic from http to https on Apache 2?
All requests to 80 should go to 443.
(I am using Ubuntu + Apache 2)
Possible Duplicate:
What good Sysadmin podcasts are out there?
I know there are a ton of podcasts out there, but what are the best ones for sys admins?
When sending emails I want my server to have DomainKeys and SPF records setup records correctly, is there a website I can email that does validation of my DomainKeys and SPF records?
Received-SPF: softfail (google.com: domain of transitioning user@domain.com does not designate XXX.XX.XXX.XXX as permitted sender) client-ip=XXX.XX.XXX.XXX; Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; spf=softfail (google.com: domain of transitioning user@domain.comdoes not designate XXX.XX.XXX.XXX as permitted sender) smtp.mail=user@domain.com
When sending emails through gmails smtp (smtp.gmail.com) do I need to setup DomainKeys and any other kind of email config?
When serving/sending HTML files to a users browser, where can I reconfigure this size limit?
I want to send an extremely large html files to users via apache and nginx.
Files are being truncated in apache/nginx, what setting determines the file size?
What is the difference between sftp and scp?
Is there an option to put the password on the line as well with sftp?
Like this
As a wordpress blog administrator, I create the user accounts.
What are the differences between these role types in wordpress?:
I want to add user accounts that can write and edit their own blog entries, which role best suites this?
Can you have DNS records with sub sub domains?
E.g.: www.blog.domain_name.com?
What about a sub sub wild card domain? At the same time supporting *.domain_name.com?
E.g.: *.blog.domain_name.com?
What is the best MAC address changing/spoofing/editing program available for windows, mac and linux?
What is the best temperature range for hard drives while they are in operation?
I have hard drives that keep failing due to the operating temperature being too high.
I use VMware on a daily basis, it is slow even though I have a brand new machine with 4 gigs of RAM.
How can I speed up my VMWare software? I know one bottle neck is my hard drive, it is a laptop so the hard drive isn't have the fastest RPM's.