On some new servers from HP we are using the ILO (Integrated Lights Out) to control some new Linux installs.
When we use the remote console options the mouse movements won't stay in synch. When we use the right-button-drag method to synchronize the mouse movements it looks good, until you move the mouse .
Since I don't administer the ILO settings, I was hoping someone could recommend something for the admin to look at.
They only manage MS Windows servers and typically use remote desktop or DameWare and don't run into these issues (and therefore don't know how to fix them)
Our Linux boxes require quite a bit of setup before we can turn on the XWindows server. (XMing for the win!!!)
That's happening because the remote mouse cursor has a different acceleration than the local mouse cursor. Disable mouse acceleration on the remote side, and it will keep in sync better.
More details here: hpmouse-README.txt
This is a problem on windows boxes too, some details on an HP Forum Post
Short version, use:
xset m 1
I've experienced the same flaky mouse issues with our BL460s, when using HP's ILO during linux installs. I haven't found a permanent solution yet, but this following HP Advisory config tip has helped with certain installs.