I'm having an issue on my server when working with my VM guests, and I think its due to a recently installed update. What is the correct command to uninstall Windows Updates from either the command prompt, or Powershell?
I'm having an issue on my server when working with my VM guests, and I think its due to a recently installed update. What is the correct command to uninstall Windows Updates from either the command prompt, or Powershell?
To obtain a list of installed patches you can do:
To uninstall a listed patch, you do:
Here are some links with more information: http://www.systemcentercentral.com/BlogDetails/tabid/143/indexid/57960/Default.aspx http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934307
Note: the 934307 KB article says that you can't use /uninstall on Windows 2008 - this does not apply to Windows 2008 R2 - they enabled the uninstall switch on R2 (see the last link).
Since I just ran into this, and it's not clear from the documentation, when using
wusa /uninstall /kb:<kb number>
make sure you're using the actual number from the KB, not the number and the KB.Wrong:
wusa /uninstall /kb:KB123456
wusa /uninstall /kb:123456
And to do it from a remote computer : wmic /node:SRVNAME process call create "powershell wusa /uninstall /kb:2639043 /quiet /norestart"
and wusa /? to have more information on parameters
On Windows 10 the /quiet no longer works. You may use:
see: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/f6594e00-2400-4276-85a1-fb06485b53e6/issues-with-wusaexe-and-windows-10-enterprise?forum=win10itprogeneral
Try this in CMD or PS