How to get the total amount of memory used by 32bit applications and 64bit applications from the command line in Windows.
I tried using tasklist /FI "MODULES eq wow64.dll" /FO CSV
and then parsing the output and summing. But tasklist
just freezes with any command that has something to do with modules (tasklist /m
and tasklist /fi "modules eq wow64.dll"
Are there any alternatives? Or some idea why tasklist
You don't mention what version of windows. Are you using a 64bit capable version of Tasklist?
Also, your title asks for a program's memory use, but your example asks for a module use - Which is more important to you?
Other tools that will give info on modules:
Listdlls.exe from Sysinternals: Listdlls.exe -d wow64.dll You can obtain module totals in much the same manner as your Tasklist.exe example.
Native tool: Tlist.exe Less like the tasklist example because you can only get one pid at a time. Pipe pids into a loop and use find.exe for the DLL of your choice.
Pslist.exe from sysinternals pslist -m gives both working and virtual memory used. Nothing about DLL's though.
Arg. I just noticed this was posted a year ago - Hope you found an answer....