For some reason I can't use at command from an ordinary user
$ at
You do not have permission to use at.
I've checked my /etc/at.deny, it doesn't have my user there. There is no /etc/at.allow. I tried to restart atd, but it doesn't help.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
could show you the reason.
exist? If it does, any users which aren't explicitly listed in it are prevented from runningat
.What are the permissions under /var/spool/cron? On my 8.04 system it is:
Ok, here I've found a simple solution so far.
Note: when you delete at package, ubuntu-standard is also deleted as it requires at. So installing ubuntu-standard again cause at installation too
Upd: I reproduced (unintentionally) this issue on other machine. It turned out that the real problem was in /etc/at.deny permissons! atd couldn't read the file.