Given a default instance of Ubuntu Server LTS, how many additional resources are needed to run a Mumble server ("murmor") for say 10 connected users?
I'm curious about:
- CPU consumption
- RAM working set
- Network needed
- Disk I/O
- Storage space needed
Information on marginal increase per user is also welcome.
CPU consumption should be minimal, for the most part it resides in the network libraries / ip-stack. murmur doesn't do decode-multiplex-reencode. The audio-streams are forwarded/copied to the appropriate clients verbatim.
RAM working set are limited to input/output buffers for the clients (which would be small since one of the project goals is optimizing for low latency), user metadata, some state and acl's.
According to the mumble/murmur FAQ:
Disk IO and storage space needed, is going to be minimal, maintaining userdatabase and acl's.
If you want a more authoritative answer you could check out the contact section of the FAQ, this sounds like something that possibly should be included in the FAQ.
From the README:
From the Mumble wiki
My reading of the docs and experience running similar servers (Asterisk and ventrilo) lead me to say that a dozen users should run almost unnoticeably on any reasonably modern machine. Bandwidth consumption maxes out at 64kbps/user, RAM and disk are likely fairly minimal, I can't see more than a couple hundred megs of RAM at most (if written very poorly) and likely much less. Disk space should only be the install size + whatever logging you're doing unless you're recording conversations or something.
Your best bet is to try it and take some measurements.