I have a munin-master and munin-node installed on same server (Ubuntu 9.10 server).
Most pre-installed plugins work well but the following plugins are with blank graph:
Memcached bytes used
Memcached connections
Memcached cache hits and misses
Memcached cached items
Memcached requests
Memcached network traffic
MySQL Queries Cache Size
I run the following 3 script in terminal and results were ok.
But when I tried the command below after "telnet localhost 4949"
fetch memcached_bytes
# Unknown service
etch memcached_bytes_
# timeout pid 28009 - killing...done
Does anyone know the reason?
Did you restart munin-node after putting the memcached plugins in the plugin directory? Are any of them listed if you run 'list' when connected with telnet?
Any of the memcached plugins I've seen need the port and ip included in the name of the plugin, like the if_ scripts, where there's just symlinks into /etc/munin/plugins like: