Does anyone maintain lists of the most frequently guessed account names that are used by attackers brute-forcing ssh?
For your amusement, from my main server's logs over the last month (43 313 failed ssh attempts), with root
not getting as far as sshd
cas@txtproof:~$ grep -e sshd /var/log/auth* | awk ' { print $8 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort | tail -n 13 32 administrator 32 stephen 34 administration 34 sales 34 user 35 matt 35 postgres 38 mysql 42 oracle 44 guest 86 test 90 admin
These are Top 10 from
at my box, couple of monts ago:I would start with a web search:
Of particular note, this document seems to have a list that at least seems possible:
I suppose you could look through a database of exploit scripts from security sites and compile a list, or you could probably derive them from your own logs of data and use another script to periodically check for outliers to see when they change, but you might reduce your attack surface just a little bit if you put Denyhosts on the system to block IP's automatically after a set of bad credentials (and auto-blocking what other denyhost sites have blocked periodically) and/or put sshd on another port and have your authorized users shift to that port (non-standard ports will make your automated attacks drop to practically nothing).
Don't know if you're looking for these names for a set purpose or if you're interested in reducing your script attack attempts...But it sounds like you're already getting a decent size sample from which to get usernames from scripted attacks.