I am trying to get xdebug working on my snow leopard box.
It uses port 9000.
When I ask slickedit to monitor this port is gives an error that the address is not available.
I've gone to canyouseeme.org to see if the port is open.
It says the port is NOT open.
I've verified that I have that port forwarding to my box from the router and i do NOT have the mac firewall running.
I'm stumped. Any ideas?
You can also see if it anything is listening on port 9000 by typing
netstat -an |grep 9000 |grep LISTEN
in Terminal. Here is an example on my system, looking for 22 instead of 9000:This means that my system is listening on 22 for connections both on IPv4 and IPv6.
Good luck,
If you need to quickly scan a Mac via command line, use the stroke command, which is located on all Macs in /Applications/Utilities/Network\ Utility.app/Contents/Resources.
The syntax is: stoke host startPort endPort
For example,
can you open the Terminal and
telnet <YOUR MAC'S ADDRESS> 9000