In Windows 2003 I was able to change the registry key as follows to display the actualy computer name on the desktop using the Computer Desktop Icon.
System Key: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}]
Change "LocalizedString" value to %COMPUTERNAME%
I'm getting access denied messages using regedit for this key and I'm unable to give full rights to this specific key as well as administrator.
Does anyone have a better solution for displaying the computer name on the desktop?
There is always the Sysinternal's (now part of Microsoft) BgInfo:
Update: To fix the problem of the desktop icon in W2k3 R2 as per Mouffette comments below based upon this TechNet thread:
I realize this question has an answer that's been accepted, and maybe I'm missing something, but why not right click the Computer icon on the desktop and select "Rename" and name it based on the computer\server name? I've been doing it for years and it works on W2K8 just as it did going all the way back to Win9x.