I have read several places NEVER to build RPM's as the root user. As such, I defined a new user and have tried building out RPM structures there, however, using the
rpmbuild --rebuild src.name.rpm
returns an error which states the topdir cannot be accessed:
Installing curl-7.20.1-1.src.rpm
error: cannot write to %sourcedir /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
error: curl-7.20.1-1.src.rpm cannot be installed
does anybody know how to make this change? I have a correct /src/ directory set up under the new user.
from the Centos Wiki on how to setup a build enviroment (assuming you're enviroment is the same, change $HOME to a path or better variable as needed):
Basically what that is saying, is that you need to edit the users rpmmacros file to redirect the %_topdir macro to the new place on the file system that you want to be the topdir of your build environment.
You can also relocate topdir from the command line like this: