Anonymous12345 Asked: 2010-05-30 12:32:38 +0800 CST2010-05-30 12:32:38 +0800 CST 2010-05-30 12:32:38 +0800 CST Iptables: How to allow only one ip through specific port? 772 How can I on my ubuntu server, in Iptables only allow one IP adress on a specific port? Thanks linux ubuntu security iptables 3 Answers Voted Best Answer Cristian Ciupitu 2010-05-30T13:18:45+08:002010-05-30T13:18:45+08:00 One liner: iptables -I INPUT \! --src -m tcp -p tcp --dport 777 -j DROP # if it's not, drop it A more elegant solution: iptables -N xxx # create a new chain iptables -A xxx --src -j ACCEPT # allow iptables -A xxx --src -j ACCEPT # allow iptables -A xxx --src -j ACCEPT # allow iptables -A xxx -j DROP # drop everyone else iptables -I INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 777 -j xxx # use chain xxx for packets coming to TCP port 777 obfuscurity 2010-05-30T12:54:15+08:002010-05-30T12:54:15+08:00 Here's an example from one of my CentOS systems (addresses have been obfuscated): -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -s -d --dport 22 -j ACCEPT BillThor 2010-05-30T16:24:15+08:002010-05-30T16:24:15+08:00 I use shorewall to configure IP table. Use a rule like to accept from one host to port 123. ACCEPT net: $FW tcp 1234
One liner:
A more elegant solution:
Here's an example from one of my CentOS systems (addresses have been obfuscated):
I use shorewall to configure IP table. Use a rule like to accept from one host to port 123.
ACCEPT net: $FW tcp 1234