I'm trying to get nfs4 working here.
Machine 1 (server) I have a folder and in it 2 other folders I'm trying to share independently. /shared/folder1 /shared/folder2
Problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to mount the folders independently on the client.
(Machine 1 - server) /etc/exports:
exportfs -ra
(Machine 2 - client) /etc/fstab: /home/nfsmnt/folder1 nfs4 rw 0 0
mount /home/nfsmnt/folder1
mount.nfs4: failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory
The folder is there. I'm positive. I think there is something simple I'm missing, but I'm totally missing it.
It seems like there should be a way in fstab to tell nfs which folder on the server I want to mount. But I can only find references to what looks like a root mount point (e.g.
) which I assume is handled by exports on the server. But even with the folders set up in exports, there doesn't seem to be an apparent way to pich and choose which gets mounted.
Is it not possible to mount separate folders from the same server to different mount points on the client?
Any help appreciated.
The error log on the server is showing the following:
/var/shared/folder1 and /var/shared/folder2 have same filehandle for, using first
Not sure what that means or how to change it. Googling only seems ti bring up info about nfs security.
In order to share the subdirectories, I had to share the parent folder first with fsid=0. So on the server /etc/exports looks like this:
then on the client /etc/fstab looks like:
I can then mount the folders as expected:
The problem is that you have
for two exported filesystems. That is the error message you're getting.fsid=0
is used to set the top of the exported filesystem tree in nfsv4. Set that only once. Typically you'd have something like this i /etc/exports on the server:See http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/s1-nfs-server-config-exports.html
in /etc/fstab, either of the 2 syntaxes should do /home/nfsmnt/folder1 nfs4 rw,defaults 0 0 /home/nfsmnt/folder1 nfs rw,nfsvers=4,defaults 0 0