I have a cisco running IOS 12.0(25) responding to two different IPs addresses: IP_A and IP_B. Behind this router I also have two different servers: server_A and server_B.
What I want is to forward port 22 to both servers, so:
IP_A, port22 -> server_A, port22
IP_B, port22 -> server_B, port22
ATM this only works for one of them (server_A), this is my config:
interface Ethernet0/0
description Internet
ip address IP_A
ip address IP_B secondary
no ip directed-broadcast
ip nat outside
no ip mroute-cache
no cdp enable
ip nat pool pool_A IP_A IP_A netmask
ip nat pool pool_B IP_B IP_B netmask
ip nat inside source list A pool pool_A overload
ip nat inside source list B pool pool_B overload
ip nat inside source static tcp server_B 22 IP_B 22 extendable
ip nat inside source static tcp server_A 22 IP_A 22 extendable
access-list A permit server_A
access-list B permit server_B
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