I have been Google'ing my fingers off and simply can not find a working example of how to merge/proxy a OpenLDAP server and windows AD server. Have anyone worked with this before? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
The idea is simple:
openldap.mydomain.local ----> Linux LDAP Server
winad.mydomain.local ----> Windows AD Server
Some users are one Linux and some on WinAD. OpenLDAP should search both on login. A working example would be appreciated.
You will find an example here: http://blog.sejo.be/2010/01/8/openldap-en-3-ad-servers/
Try this one and follow the discussions.
Maybe you could try samba4, that should give much more integration with AD.
It's still in alpha stage, but you could try it anyway.
Please check out the following github project:
This sets up a meta-ldap server that proxies OpenLDAP and WindowsAD, and presents the result in a single output