I have set up an automatic logout for idle ssh session using "ClientAliveInterval 7200"
However I do not get logged out everyone else who uses the server gets logged fine.
I have tracked the trouble maker down to this line in my personal .screenrc
caption always "%{WB}%H %{kG}%?%-Lw%?%{bw}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{kG}%?%+Lw%? %88=%{YR}%M%d %94=%{RY}%c%="
Does anyone know why this would stop the logout from working?
Is there a better automatic logout setting I can use that cannot be overridden?
I am using FreeBSD 8.0
So I am guessing no one has had this issue before I cannot find any reason for this and I cannot find a way around this issue with some other automatic logout option. bash's TMOUT does not work as it logs each screen out one at a time.
ClientAliveInterval does not logout idle connections. It checks if the client is still connected at all (like a TCPKeepAlive, but encrypted). If the client responds to these requests (default for Putty, not for most *nix ssh) then the connection will stay open indefinitely.
If you want idle users logged out you need to do that through the shell. For Bash, Ksh, & Zsh add
export TMOUT=7200
to the rc file.