I wonder if any of you have an experience with 10g NICs (Intel, Myricom, SMC tiget, napatech, or by any other brand).
Questions are:
- Was it easy to install, or a hassle,
- How does this adapter appear on the interface list (ifconfig), as a single one or as two - given the fact, both forms (sfp+ and rj45) formed in two seperate ports (RX and TX).
- And most of all, have you used libpcap based application (e.g. tcpdump) to capture the traffic, were there any issues at that part, or all went smooth?
These are the concerns that popped up in my mind but feel free to share and add any piece of information which you think might be relevant to me nevertheless important.
Thanks in advance!
Yep, all of our OEL/RHEL 5.3/5.4 boxes (generally HP BL460c G6's) simply have dual 10Gbps LOM NICs by Broadcom. Ours work just fine with the standard drivers from the HP PSP driver pack, show up as eth0 and eth1 - no confusion with interface type - and we have indeed used tcpdump - all went smoothly.
bcom, mellanox aned chelsea all work like normal NICs, no rx/tx splitting in the dump. iirc, Intels do the same.
The only difference is when you check the kernel messages, you'll see a higher negotiated speed, that's all