webminal.org Asked: 2010-08-10 21:50:30 +0800 CST2010-08-10 21:50:30 +0800 CST 2010-08-10 21:50:30 +0800 CST how to add quota for new user 772 I have quota enabled for /. I have two users currently. quota applies to both users. When add new users say user3. Editing edquota -u user3 won't work? Do i need to run quotacheck after running edquota? linux quota users 1 Answers Voted Best Answer webminal.org 2010-08-12T21:37:01+08:002010-08-12T21:37:01+08:00 The answer is - yes you need to run quotacheck whenever you add a new user. HTH somebody
The answer is - yes you need to run quotacheck whenever you add a new user. HTH somebody