What is the best method for setting the virtual hard drive (VDI) of the primary controller for an existing virtual machine?
Does the syntax change if the VDI is really a child differencing disk of some other parent disk? Do you need to attach the parent VDI and then the child VDI in some way?
I have an existing VM --- I want to replace the hard drive it uses to boot - with either another normal virtual HD or possibly a differencing disk. Can this be done with VBoxManage?
Pretty old question but here is how I do it:
This assumes you want to replace the old disk. If you want to want to just add another disk use another port, for example 1 if you have only 1 disk (on port 0). Please note you could also add disks (or cd/dvd images) to "IDE Controller".
I believe this should do it for a virtual hard drive.
(That is how I do it when I create vm's from the console)
You need first add de contoller on your vm machine:
and then attach the virtual disk image to the storage controller:
Just want to add to @calas with a VM managed by vagrant (run in VM's folder and replace
with your VM name prefix):I'm not sure if you can do it though VBoxManage, I've always changed it through the GUI after using CloneHD, you answer may be in the VBoxManage Manuel
In case this is helpful for anyone else working with a BootCamp partition that you have to make a new .vmdk for each boot, I had to do this in order to attach the image and avoid the annoying UUID mismatch problem:
Disconnect the medium from the virtual machine VBoxManage storageattach YourVMNameHere --storagectl "IDE" --device 0 --port 0 --type hdd --medium none
That way it doesn't complain when you remove the medium VBoxManage closemedium disk /path/to/your/medium.vmdk
Then when you attach the recreated medium you don't get checksum errors VBoxManage storageattach YourVMNameHere --storagectl "IDE" --device 0 --port 0 --type hdd --medium /path/to/your/medium.vmdk