With a metasploit module and POC code available, there's a growing concern about the DLL path-searching vulnerability in an increasing number of Microsoft and 3rd party applications. It appears that ensuring SafeDLLSearchMode is enabled mitigates the vlunerability, and I would like to enforce this on a network via Group Policy. While it's enabled by default in XP SP2+ and requires a registry edit to disable, I'd like to find an ADM file (or perhaps there's an existing policy setting I'm missing) that will let me ensure it remains active.
Does anyone know if anything like this is out there, or could anyone suggest how such an ADM file should look? The key in question is:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SafeDllSearchMode
With a value of 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled.
Here is an ADM you can use to apply this preference. If you had Client-Side Preferences you could better manage this setting.
You can also change this value with a simple script: