I'm looking for a free solution that runs on Ubuntu and allows to remotely manage an Ubuntu desktop (local display :0), even at the login/gdm phase.. What would you recommend?
Many thanks!
(For the record, right now I'm using x11vnc but it doesn't look very stable when started from gdm)
Many people use VNC because it's so mature and platform independent. I can't tell you if it runs at login phase but you should also try FreeNX due to the increased speed over slow links as well as additional security. You can also use a Windows box to control a Linux server with FreeNX. Here are a couple links:
Might not do everything you want, but I would recommend freenx or ssh -X. XDMCP sends all network traffic unencrypted, so it's very insecure. If you do use XDMCP, at least tunnel it through ssh: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ssh.html
Try if xrfb works better than x11vnc.
You should also look at turning on XDMCP, which basically presents you with the login screen remotely, and then manages a remote, thin GNOME session for you.
See: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/RemoteAccess