Suppose you've configured IPv6 proxy NDP on one of your Linux systems like so:
ip -6 neighbor add proxy 2001:db8:1234::5 dev eth1
How do you verify that the configuration took? ip -6 neighbor show
doesn't appear to show proxy entries and ip -6 neighbor show proxy
isn't a supported command.
I think the ip tool just doesn't print the NTF_PROXY flag. In ip/ipneigh.c, after the NTF_ROUTER block, try adding
I don't have an NDP proxy installation, so I can't test it. From reading the kernel sources, however, it appears that the entries will all get returned and the flag should be set for proxy entries.
have you tried ip ntable ?
For the sake of completeness:
It's just the last 6 nibbles but that's often all you need.