Looking for statistics on IPtable best pratices - appears that a server like www.cloudflare.com would parse iptables and look for gaps and trends in iptable configs - but don't think they'd publish their findings. FYI: I just heard about cloudflare, haven't used it, and have nothing to do with them. If you're aware of other services like cloudflare, please post links.
well - script it.. use
iptables -nvxL
as input and pump it to rrd database. or let others do it for you - munin, cacti or zabbix can do it with plugins:one thing to keep in mind - 32bit counters nowadays tend to be not enough. if you count bytes they might flip over in less than monitoring interval [eg 5 min]. so remember to store and read data as 64bit integers.
Cloudflare -btw has an excellent apache mod that will allow your own stats to continue to parse.