I am using FreeNas 0.7.1 (FreeBSD 7.2-release-p6) Recently I have been getting a series of these error messages to the console. I am using ZFS pools mirrored on the FreeNAS system, and they report as healthy and in good status.
I think this error message is related to the FreeBSD underneath. The ZFSpools are iscsi targets for a VMWare installation over Gigabit network. Is the delta_t they are referring to talking about a potential time out for packets over iSCSI? Has anyone experienced this error message? I have attached an image below.
It's an error with the time clock on your computer, has nothing to do with ZFS, iSCSI, etc.
Try updating your MB's BIOS. Or post the make/model and we might be of more help. In any case it's nothing to worry about if the clock is still correct.