I am evaluating the LabTech managed service provider software, which among other things can install windows updates. Most updates are installed correctly, but some, such as installing SP2 on Win 2003R2 don't seem to be working. The error code indicates a failure to accept the EULA. Obviously, since it is an automated update, there is no opportunity to accept the terms of the EULA. However, the higher-up are insisting that I find a way to roll out updates automatically. Labtech will let me run console commands and scripts, so if I could write a script that deploys the service pack, I would be able to accomplish the same objective.
Has anyone written a script, in any language, to install a windows service pack, for any version of windows?
If the mandate is to implement automatic update management, why not use WSUS?
servicepack.exe /passive /forcerestart /forceappclose
should completely automate the installation.