Just checknig out if any one's RT setup is sending RT notifications via Jabber to either users or to conference rooms.
This is a pretty useful feature to have, but could not find any reference in the net.
Thanks and regards,
Just checknig out if any one's RT setup is sending RT notifications via Jabber to either users or to conference rooms.
This is a pretty useful feature to have, but could not find any reference in the net.
Thanks and regards,
We're not right now, but it should be reasonably easy to cobble together using Perl's Net::XMPP module (http://search.cpan.org/~hacker/Net-XMPP-1.02/lib/Net/XMPP.pm). The page at http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/Contributions links to lots of example scrips that demonstrate how you can make perl code fire on RT transactions (ticket creations, comments, etc).