What is the centos setup command used in the initial installation? I have a vmware image and i used 'linux text' to install it; now i would like to go back and use the gui version to add some packages. Is this possible?
What is the centos setup command used in the initial installation? I have a vmware image and i used 'linux text' to install it; now i would like to go back and use the gui version to add some packages. Is this possible?
After your system has been installed, you generally install new packages by logging in and using the "yum" command. This is covered in the CentOS documentation:
If you've installed a desktop environment on your system, you can use the graphical Package Management tool:
Depending on which window manager you are using, you can either to to
Applications --> Add/Remove Software
Or from a shell type "system-config-packages".
If you get "command not found", then you would first have to run
yum install system-config-packages