I want to grant FTP access to specific folders, with specific user/passes on CentOS 5.5.
Example of directories: /var/www/html/userone /var/www/html/usertwo
Yes security would be important, read and write access of course.
I haven't tried anything as it's a fresh new server, I don't even think FTP is installed, and I don't know how on CentOS.
Thank you!
"yum install proftpd" should install the ftpd server.
I would STRONGLY suggest just using SCP/SFTP instead though - which is part of SSH. Pretty much every app and file transfer program (i.e. filezilla) already supports this anyhow. It will give you encryption - so if someone is sending files from their home, someone cannot snoop the passwords.
The easiest thing to do would be to change the owner/permission on the folders to just those specific users
chown -R user1 /path/to/user1/dir
chown -R user2 /path/to/user2/dir
useradd someuser -d /var/www/html/userone -s /bin/false passwd someuser "and set 2 some pass"