In managment studio there is a range of dates in Managment > SQL Server Logs that is missing. Where are these logs stored? Is there a way I can try to reload the missing logs if they are available somewhere?
In managment studio there is a range of dates in Managment > SQL Server Logs that is missing. Where are these logs stored? Is there a way I can try to reload the missing logs if they are available somewhere?
in a new query window. This will read the latest SQL Server Error Log for you. In the first few lines you can get the location where the Error Logs are stored.Where are they stored? C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log
How do you have their management configured? In Mgt Studio, expand the Management folder, right click on SQL Server Logs, Configure. Default is six and then they roll off.
Dont you have a backup. Restore it somewhere and get the logs backed up in a diffrent location and try to take them to your default location