What would happen if you use SQL server developer edition on real server ?
It says that it is fully same as enterprise edition. Are'nt there any difference at real ?
I mean for example you installed developer edition and enterprise edition on equal machines. Would they show same performance on product environment ?
Performance - yes. The license for Developer Edition precludes you from using it in a production environment however. If you get tagged for an audit, you're up a certain creek without a paddle.
I'm going to quote myself in a reply to someone else recently, because this is relevant here as well:
In your specific case, you may want to hire a consultant, because this sounds like a potentially commercial operation and you may need a professional to help you. Try to structure the engagement as a knowledge transfer, so you can get to that level someday yourself.
For SQL Server 2005 and 2008: yes. 'Developer' edition, as well as 'Evaluation' editions are just licensing restricted versions of Enterprise Edition.
For SQL Server 2008 R2: No. The 'Developer' and 'Evaluation' versions are licensing restricted versions of the Data Center Edition, not Enterprise Edition. The main difference between DC and EE is that DE edition can scale above 64 CPU cores.
Evalutation and Developer editions cannot be used in production: doing so is a violation of the license you agreed to when you installed the product.
Developer edition has the exact same features as Enterprise edition. The only difference is the licensing. You can't use Developer in Production