I have a windows 2003 PC set up as a standalone server on a Workgroup network - everything is working fine.
The server has a second network card is it which I wish to connect to another Workgroup network. Is it possible for the server to be configured so it is also visible from this network?
Both networks are small and only used for development - i.e. not a production environment - so we can cut a few corners if necessary.
Yes, just assign the second NIC an IP address in the second workgroup. Nothing more needs doing. You can even (using RRAS) configure the server to route between the two workgroups if you want.
Previous posters are correct in that you can multihome the server and it will be visible by IP address on both networks. However, it is not possible to configure a server to belong to two different workgroups. So any Windows functionality that relies on the server being a member of the same workgroup as the client (like browsing for shares), will be not work correctly for the second workgroup. As previously mentioned you can mount the shares manually using the net command, or even get to them in windows explorer by typing the \ or \ into the run menu and things should be ok, although you may run into some strange permissions problems.
Yes, you can see both worgroups, but:
It is not nessecary to be in both workgroups. You simply map the sahres from the 2nd workgroups with the command net share x: \win2k3\share /user:win2k3_local_acccount